1. Ocean’s twelve:
It’s about 12 guys robbing under the shrewd leadership of George Clooney. Suddenly they face a threat from another solo robber/thief (*2) who wants prove, that he is the best thief. Ultimately they both decide to steal the same object (golden egg) following the advice of the ex-best thief Gasper le marc.
2. Thief: he operates anonymously so you could not see him in action but definitely see what he has taken.
Robber: He will confront you and takes what he wants
Okay…lets start,,,
Last Tuesday I was watching Ocean's 12 in my hostel (see ref:*1).so, that "best thief" part impressed me that I started to search for it over the net whether there is someone like gasper le marc really, but unfortunately it turned out that it was a fictitious character developed by the director of that movie .
As I was thinking, so many question arised like,,
How, one can really decide on the best thief without having a database(toll of sql server-training)of all the thieves?.
If such a database is available, on what basis the winner will be decided?
And who will decide that?
you all must have heard about the saying “You never get what you expect”.As I was expecting for the name of the best thief in the world,obviously I could not find a name and moreover,i could not think in any other dimension.
But today as I was reading our blog, something flashed my mind.
Hopefully, I have got the best answer for the question that was haunting me.
And I thought of finishing this post with a question…
Who is the best thief in the world?
So,here is the answer,
the best thief in the world is TIME.
If you ask, what has it stolen from us… well, the answer is almost everything.
our ability to,
enjoy small things,
ask questions ,
be innocent,
be creative,
get amused by very very little things,
treat everyone as equals irrespective of caste,creed,religion,sex,etc..
and finally be Ourself.
Some people don’t even know that they have been robbed, that is the worst thing that can happen to anyone,fortunately we are not in that pathetic situation.(This is out of our system’s ;)scope)
Now, we know the enemy .so how are we going to face him or handle him?.
Before coming to facing the enemy ,one more question “If you come to know that today is your last day,what will you do?”
If your answer is ,I will enjoy every moment,do good to everyone,I will closely observe everything that is going around me,etc ………….the answer to face TIME is in TIME.
Today Is My End ….if we have this in our mind we will surely have few of those childish and child like qualities back…
If your answer is I will lie down and cry, .. am sorry to say “The thief has left nothing in you”