Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dream On -1

Place :Hyderabad
Time  :9:20 Am 
Date  :23/03/2030

Michael was entering the green sky scrapper with  huge 3D screens boasting                  
" Eden - Reap what you haven't sown "
He couldn't control his anxiety not just because of the catchy tag line but because of this unique concept.
He enters the ground floor and follows the sweet trail of Washington apples' smell just like whimpy following the trail of hamburger smell in the popeye show.He plucks a dozen of apples from the 5 foot tall apple trees.He turns around to see almost every fruit hanging from the branches welcoming him to take them home."This truly is The Eden garden except for the tree bearing the forbidden fruit", he thought.After gathering peaches, oranges and strawberries he asks the "humanoid harvester" where he could get harvest wheat.

The humanoid takes him to the third floor disk. He could not believe his eyes,a huge Wheat Field is floating in air inside clean transparent white glasses being developed with the Aeroponics methodThe humanoid takes out a laser scythe and slices few clusters of wheat crops with dry and brittle straws indicating their maturity.The wheat stems are processed giving Michael his required amount of wheat and the dry branches are piled up to be used as raw materials for handy crafts robocrafts.

Now he is taken to the vegetables disk where he could see the carrot and tomato plants floating in water being grown with the Hydroponics method.He pulls out a few carrots sheds off the green foliage and puts it into his collector.

Michael could see the excitement and smile everywhere. A cute little girl was splashing water at the small humanoid that came to assist her parents with the harvest. She saw Michael noticing her and since he seemed more real she took some water in her pink little hand and splashed it at him.Michael smiled back and shook his head to let go the droplets of water trickling down his face and when he opened his eyes he could see his sister hurrying out of his room with a mug in her hand yelling "amma Mike is still sleeping!"